Why should we talk about death?

Reading Time: 2 min
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Why is it so important to talk about death openly and ultimately prepare ourselves and the people we love for it? The answer is simple, because like it or not we’re all going to die someday. And the way we think of and deal with death/dying right now sucks.

Talking about sex won’t make you pregnant, talking about death won’t kill you.

We’ve heard this line plenty of times, when I’m gone nothing else matters. Fine, once we’re dead obviously we won’t have to deal with anything. But, the people we leave behind will. So let’s talk about how death preparation can help the people we love most. What’s going to happen to your family and friends when you die?

❓ Will they know what to do?

Tough decisions will have to be made whether it’s how to deal with the body, what kind of funeral to arrange, who should they inform and more. All this while they’re still in shock and coming to terms with such a huge loss.

🗃 Can they find important documents?

Do they know where you keep vital documents like your will, wasiat, hibah, insurance policies, medical records and more? They’re going to need all these and more to handle all the paperwork that comes with death.

💬 Have you said everything you want to say?

Will your parents know how much you appreciate them? Do you want to remind your spouse that you love them until the very end? Are there any life lessons that you would like to pass on to your kids?

Bereev is a Death Preparation App that helps you prepare yourself and your loved ones for your own death. Sign up for your FREE account 安全措施.

📝 Plan
Leave instructions for your funeral, financial and personal arrangements.

📂 Vault

💌 Message
Leave messages for your loved ones which will be sent after you’re gone.

👥 Share
Invite the people you trust to view your plan and customise their access.

#death #deathplanning #deathapp #endoflife



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