These 20 yo’s are preparing for death

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In this post, we want to share 3 stories from 3 actual Bereev users on why they’re using Bereev to prepare for their death. What is their motivation behind planning at such a young age and how are they using the app in their own unique ways. So let’s get started!

Syahira Omar

Favourite Features: Plan | Vault

Syahira just turned 26 this year and works in finance. Being financially savvy, her biggest goal now is to grow her assets while making sure that everything is organised from day one.


Zetch Ng

Favourite Features: Vault | Share

Zetch刚刚成为一名父亲,他也是家里的经济支柱。他的第一顾虑便是 no matter what happens to him, his family will be taken care of.


Shareen Foo

Favourite Features: Plan | 信息

Shareen是一名年轻的医生,目前正在照顾她的父母和4只宠物狗。她希望在她离世后,能够 减轻家人的负担和压力。 on her loved ones when she’s no longer around.

She uses Bereev to safeguard her will and other important documents, specify her final wishes and make sure that her family knows how to provide the best care for her pets.

So there you have it, 3 different people from different backgrounds with different reasons on why they want to prepare themselves and their loved ones for their own deaths. It’s not all morbid guys, death preparation is just smart, plain and simple. Here’s a parting quote by Vulcan Post describing why it’s so important to take charge of death preparation when you still have the chance.

– Vulcan Post

Bereev is a Death Preparation App that helps you prepare yourself and loved ones for your own death. Sign up for your FREE account 安全措施.

📝 Plan
Leave instructions for your funeral, financial and personal arrangements.

📂 Vault

💌 Message
Leave messages for your loved ones which will be sent after you’re gone.

👥 Share
Invite the people you trust to view your plan and customise their access.

#death #deathplanning #deathapp #endoflife



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